Minataur Tails - Chapter 1
by Celli the Happy Go Lucky Celaphopod

Sample Chapter - Page 4
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          The previous sentence aside, it is not my intent to delve any deeper into my personal dissatisfaction with the linear narrative structure of the Garg novels.  The point is, was, and ever shall be that after I sift the mail for money, checks, and similar valuables, I occasionally read a letter or two.  Usually they go (ahem, hint, hint, hint) like this:

          Dear Esteemed Author,
          You are great.  No.  Great isn’t the right word.  You are fantastic, wonderful, and superb.  I just wanted to write a quick letter to let you know what a great, fantastic, wonderful, superb job you are doing.  I hear you have been nominated for the N© Bell Peace Prize for your work in ridding sword and sorcery novels of swords.
          I applaud your efforts.  But do you think this turn of events will affect the value of my weapons replica collection?
Ha, Ha.  You can use that joke if you want to.
          Anyway, enclosed is a crisp new hundred gold note I had lying around.  It’s just my little way of saying good work.
          Your Money Sending Fan

 I value correspondence with my readers, especially the ones who send cash, so I wrote back.

         Dear Money Sending Fan,
         I fear the value of your collection will be greatly reduced.  Please keep in mind that I am not a licensed Movie Paraphernalia Collection Adviser, so you may want to seek the counsel of an appropriate professional, but yes the value of any non-Grt, Ruby, Crazy George, or other Dragon Bound collectable is sure to plummet.
          Sell the swords.  Buy genuine Dragon Pendants™.  They double as digital watches.  And their value is sure to explode.
          Thank you,
          The Worlds Greatest Author

 At other times, the correspondence goes something more like this:

          Dear Esteemed Author,
          Wow!  What a novel.  Great, fantastic, superb, and excellent are just a few of the adjectives that come to mind.  I do have some questions though.

1)     On page 56 where Ruby does (some mind-numbingly obscure reference that no one in their right mind could possible care about), wouldn’t it have made more sense if she had done (a well thought out solution that points out numerous holes in some book I may have had something to do with and hence will not be repeating here)?

2)     The same thing happens on page 61, 63, 89, and 101.  Is this deliberate?

3)     I can’t locate the Garg novels anywhere.  Do you have the publisher’s address?

I have included three crisp hundred gold notes for your time and effort in answering these questions.  When will the next novel come out?
Another One of Your Money Sending Fans

             To which I replied:

          Dear Another One of My Money Sending Fans,
          I am impressed by your grasp of the subtleties of my books.  I am honored that you would spend so much time digging deeper into their true meaning.

The answers to your questions are:

1)  Yes

2)  Yes

3)  Yes

And soon, just as soon as I add those last few thousand words that my editor wants.
Thank you,
The World’s Greatest Author



Sample Chapter
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Brett Words


© 2007 Brett Paufler