Minataur Tails - Chapter 1
by Celli the Happy Go Lucky Celaphopod

Sample Chapter - Page 3
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Garg was disoriented in the large metropolis.  His keen hunting instincts overpowered by the myriad sights, sounds, and smells.  It had taken him longer than he had expected to trace the mysterious stranger to the building he now stood in front of. 

Garg, also, felt naked without his club.  This might explain why he did not see the orange construction cones, the flashing barricades, or the shouts from the construction crew.  One momentary little misstep and Garg found himself sinking down into a pool of cement.  Quicksand, he thought.  He should have known better.

       Will Garg escape the dangers of the quicksand cement?
        Will the mysterious stranger once again escape Garg’s grasp?
        And what will happen to Laura, who he left in the department store dressing room?
        Find out in the next exciting installment of GARG!, available at better retailers everywhere.

           In case you’re wondering, the answers are Yes, Yes, and Laura will go to the shoe department and won’t even notice Garg is missing for the first three chapters of the next book.

          The point is (and there is a point and that’s) that you will get the full 100,000 words from me, maybe even a 1,000 more if that’s what it takes... or my editor tells me I need to fluff it up a bit.  Maybe he said something like:

Get with the Program.
            You’re a thousand words short.  Fluff it up somewhere.
            Your Editor

           And maybe I decided the thing to do was add a chapter at the beginning of this here book (where nobody would notice), and just sort of tie it in seamlessly as I ranted on mindlessly, complaining about the Garg novels (in particular) and other hack literature (in general).



Sample Chapter
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Brett Words


© 2007 Brett Paufler