The Dragon (n, T-H-E drag-gone): that’s with a capital The, if you know what’s good for you.  The Dragon is (for lack of a better pun) the draconian ruler of the Seven Realms; or at least, he used to be, before Ruby came along.  But that’s a different story.  Unless, of course, you’re reading The D-Bound Quartet, in which case, that is the story.

Some folks believe The Dragon goes by that rather generic moniker because he read somewhere that Demons and Devils can be controlled by anyone who knows their true name.  But as fun as it would be if that particular trick worked (he’s got a whole bunch of treasure, That Dragon, he does), the theory has a few obvious holes:
First, The Dragon is a dragon; and therefore, not a Demon or a Devil.
And secondly, anyone who has spent any time, at all, babysitting their sibling’s spawn-like children knows the name thing simply doesn’t work.

Bob!  Stop playing with your spaghetti.
Chris!  No throwing food at the table.
Cindy!  I am not a target.
Stop it!
Oh, what’s this?  Ganging up on me?

But little do they know that in mere moments the dreaded Spaghetti Monster will emerge from under the table.
That’s right, run.
Eh, so maybe they will do what you say, you know, if you phrase it properly.

Dragon Bound Dictionary

Brett Words

Minataur Tails
The reason this website was originally developed.

© Copyright 2013-2017 Brett Paufler