Heart of a Cycle

Photo Fiction with a Science Fiction Twist

part of the

Tales of the Nav


Sometimes, you just know.

Blue Eyed Blue Haired Vision of Loveliness a girl with blue shift Science Fiction Effect - Tales of the Nav Series

You see her and you just know:
She's the one.

She has what you need,

And so, you put the pieces into place...

A Motorcycle parked at curb with blue shift Science Fiction Effect Tales of the Nav Series

Grant a little freedom...
Give a little access...

Let her have what she wants...
What she needs...

And before you know it, she's spinning out of control...

Man Pushing Cart replacement materials with blue shift Science Fiction Effect Tales of the Nav Series

Destined for the scrapheap

Eye of the AI artificial intelligence done with blue shift Science Fiction Effect Tales of the Nav Series

And you've got that Empathetic Transducer circuit
that you've been doing without for the past twenty runs.

Out of print.
Hard to find.

Except for one who understand,
that some were born with the Heart of a Cycle

TALES of the NAV

Brett Stuff (more stuff like this)

Brett Food (for food and such)

Brett Code (programing, mostly JavaScript)

Brett Rants (single page rants, articles, opinions, and the like)

Brett Words
Words, Writing, & Such

© Copyright 2014 Brett Paufler