Eddie Takosori's

Suki Kamasutri

also starring
Tug & Bz-zzrt!

I like Suki Kamasutri. I think she's fun. I think the stories are fun. A bit of fluff, but then, a bit of fluff is exactly what the doctor calls for every once in a while.

The Suki Kamasutri: Queen of the Galactic Frontier (one of the hallmark Ethers from the late 23rd Century) was produced on a shoestring budget with a minimal cast yet remains a fan favorite to this very day. Who would have thought shopping for a dress could be 'So very the much the fun,' as the Suki, I think she might say.

Or if that's not clear enough:

At long last, an Ether whose plot revolves around the difficulties inherent in interplanetary shopping and the frustration of realizing that now that you've finally found that perfect dress, the purse you need to complete the ensemble lies half-way across the alt-p-verse in one direction while the shoes lie two-D over in the other...

Suki Kamasutri Downloads

The main story (or at least, what I consider to be the base story) Complete with Season 1 & 2:

The Suki Kamasutri: Queen of the Galactic Frontier (doc version)

The Suki Kamasutri: Queen of the Galactic Frontier (pdf version)

The pilot... or at least, what I'm billing as the pilot. I'd forgotten about this version until after Eddie died and I was sifting through his notes:

Suki Kamasutri: All She Do Is Talk-Talk (doc version)

Suki Kamasutri: All She Do Is Talk-Talk (pdf version)

And now that I'm thinking on it, I do believeI recall Eddie mentioning something about how Suki was originally based on some Epic Space Opera Love Poem or something like. Did a quick search of his stuff and I didn't see it. But if I ever run across it, well, this is where I will post it.

Ha! The plagarizing bastard! Turns out I wrote that poem. Oh, well, sincerest form of flattery and all that. Of course, the poem doesn't actually have anything to do with either Tug or Suki. But, you know how it goes. One gets their inspiration where they can...

Eddie Takosori Home Page

The first few chapters of Suki online as web pages.

Ä 2014 Copyright Brett Paufler
all rights reserved
in Si we trust
in Suki we hope