
Poetry Corner

Because what is poetry if not a rant?
Designed to quiet the voices in the one's own head...

A black plastic bag
Looks like a heart
What better place
To find it
Blowing free
Drifting down the street
Than Chinatown

There he was
Sitting On the street
Drinking coffee at night
Wearing hospital clothes
A fresh bandage on his head
Brain trauma
Recently dismissed
Coughing hard
Hacking more like it
Not long for this world...
I'm thinking
So, of course
I think
Time to write a poem

Last day of class
A gaggle of girls waiting in line
Planning a road trip
I couldn't agree more
It's time to check out the sights

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copyright © 2014 Brett Paufler
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Thank you.  Copies of the author's book are available for sale in the lobby...