Celli the Happy Go Lucky Celaphopod's

Minataur Tails

The Second Book
in the Award Winning
D-Bound Adventuring Series

Table of Contents

Book 1
A - 2

Appendix A - The Ranting

    In which Celli the Happy Go Lucky Celaphopod establishes what us artistic types like to call the “Voice” of the story.  In this particular case, that voice would be Celli’s.  And if by the end of this chapter (or this TOC for that matter) that “voice” isn’t coming through loud and clear, then something is most definitely wrong with your hearing.

Chapter 1 - Introducing Buddy

    In which the lead character is replaced.  I mean, come on!  We just did a whole chapter trying to introduce Minne and we never even got past his name.  Talk about a conceited guy.  So, who needs him?

Chapter 2 - Jerk First - Minataur Second

    In which Buddy shows what a rat-bastard that Minne is by demonstrating what Minne would have done if Minne were still in the story and doing the scene.  Or in other words, Buddy pounds a defenseless Centaur senseless for the sheer joy of it while breaking a few other laws too numerous to mention here.  (I mean, I got to leave you some reason to buy the book and read the actual chapter, right?)


© Copyright 2013 Brett Paufler

Brett Words

Whenever Celli uses the word 'I', he's talking about himself.  So it should come as no surprise that Celaphopods are also known as Gual-Guals in many Vortexes -- you know, on account of the fact that they have a tremendous amount of gall... and are notoriously poor spellers.