The Diary Project


Finally, Acceptance!

I am not going stir crazy. I could be. It's easy to see how. I hardly ever go outside. A standardized walk (in which laps play a pertinent role, so we are talking about a highly repetitive route) forms a major part of my external activities. But I crave no more. I am falling inward, in an ever steepening dive.

All Computation is implicitly contained within The Number Line. The Natural Numbers are derived from SUCCESSOR and COMPARATOR, which in turn power all Computation. Given that The Brain is a Natural Computer, then Consciousness & Awareness (along with all notions of Truth, Love, Honour, & Beauty) must be derivable from The Integers... you know, as long as one wishes to take The Atheistic (what you see is what you get) Point of View.

The Number Line can be derived from The Operators. Let us assume the converse must be true, as well.

I question whether one can meaningfully separate The Counter from The Count.

Thus, all is one and one is all.

Which is to say, Numbers are a Face(t) of God, a fractal whole contained within the part.

Treason: from threats both inside and out

H (or perhaps, P {for Proposal, I presume, at this point}): Reduce the Penalty; but Broaden the Scope.

To the extent Sentient-AI is possible (so many {different types of} AI's, it would thus appear), Sentience is derivable directly from (and requires nothing more than) The Number Line.

ℤ (i.e. ℤ): Who would have thunk it?

Humans (who are sentient, just by-the-by) recognize The Number Line, which (in turn) implies Sentience. In the end, it proves nothing. Might as well say Art is God and be done with it.

Let us be nice in all things.
No, really nice... and in all things.

Karma: The Good Solution will always be The Most Beneficial Solution to both oneself and others. The truly long-term Selfish Solution is The Most Altruistic Solution.

MEDIA: Sopranos - Season Two. The shrink is the best story line. I like imaging Rag Doll (a Harlequin type character) playing the role, calling the shots, The Psychotic in Charge.

KDM: Kinetic Divergence Mantra
KDM: Kevin's Dance Party

I believe I have a solution. .svg to .txt (with annotations) will solve certain problems and/or satisfactorily address certain unstated concerns by way of obfuscation.

If you ever come across a chaotic unintelligible text file try character(x)=character(-x): a=z, b=y, etc..

RUNE (sort): Swim Token. I idolized The Camp Director. But having to do it over, I would not go there... or anywhere. Being gone during The Summer did me no Social Favours. Time to throw The Token away. Garbage Can in The Park. Crossroads Bench... even if I sat at The Bench.

RUNE: Black Die.

As far as I am concerned, I was attacked unprovoked by a kid in sixth grade. He threw ten or so (call it an even dozen) punches, which I blocked (a fact about which I have always been quite proud). But the attack itself causes anger to this day.

RUNE: I was wrong. I switched out to The Green Knife, instead.

I am beginning to believe Fear of Death (as opposed to Fear of Pain) is cultural rather than innate. None of my sub-portions (Entities, Brainlings, Thought Constructs, or whatever) seem to have the slightest awareness (let alone fear) of death.

SIMA: Simulation

DREAM: Upon waking (and exiting The Ready Dream State), I tend to see rotating circular patterns: concentric rings of small rotating circular objects - often arcs; today, rotating lily-pad-like things.

OM: Breathing is my friend.

DREAM: Ah, yes. My Friends at The Newspaper Office?! I, perhaps, neglected to say goodbye. At The Coffee Shop Exit Interview*, the seats slowly went from empty to full** as we talked***.

* "No! Performance Appraisal," the owner, my interviewer says, before adding, "Eh, good enough," in relation to all The Textural Descriptors used thus far.

** A part I only really noticed and remembered after awakening, so this part might have been added post haste.

*** They want me to write. Contribution is a Moral Imperative. Also, determined/remembered post haste.

Positive Contribution to Society (i.e. The Reality in which one finds themselves) is a Moral Imperative.

One Must Engage!

Gads, I already have second thoughts.


One May Engage!

MEDIA: Buffalo 66 - Bad Porn Done Right?!

?! vs !?: The Battle Rages

Covid: How will this effect the popularity of zombies?

The Ice Cold Train
/The Ice Cold Crowd

Most of the voices in my head don't use words.

Paul Bunyan Training Academy: Lumberjack Training... and more.

Not as it was
But as it could be

{This is in regards to The Summer Camp I attended as a child.}

There is always tomorrow... and if not, is this really how you want to spend your last day on Earth?

I learned programming (mostly) from creating Image Filters. But I would be better able to Filter Images if I had concentrated on learning Gimp or G'mic, instead.

My contributions have gone unrecognized and unrewarded... to the extent I have little to no interest in further engagement until such matters are rectified.

I neither offer nor demand Worship.

ℤ?: The Basic Type of The Universe. Any given dimension may (or may not) have a value of Just an Integer.

Two Souls: A & B
Two Situations: UPPER_CASE & lower_case
Yielding: Ab & aB
Morality being the case where we consider the behaviour of both in either situation and in both directions (which need not be equivalent) to be fair.
This being a reworking of Do Unto Others As You Would Have Others Do Unto You

What I said yesterday is not what I would say today.

Taking a Personal History of The Mind & Self as far as it will go.

Vices tend to be (/are) needy and hungry for companionship.

DREAM: Zombies

You weren't there for me. When push came to shove, you turned your back on me. Soon enough, we'll stop talking completely. And it's not because you loved me too much; but rather, whenever it was difficult or inconvenient, you didn't love me at all.

I: feeling

you: accusation

I would say that I'm sorry you feel that saying you're sorry I feel brings us any closer to resolution, but I know you know it does not.

H: A different kind of evil (inherent) for everyone?

RUNE: All The Dice

Someone at the door, trying the knob. I don't answer. I never do. Car pulls away from alley: part of the reason I never answer, it's never for me. Food Delivery. Oh, this could be sweet. Set timer. Gone in fifteen minutes when I check again for the first time. Drat. I don't know how long I would have waited (several hours, at least); but like I said, claimed long before I ever would.

ENCODE: " ".join([hex(ord(letter)) for letter in MESSAGE_STRING]), yielding a space separated string of 0-F hex pairs.

DECODE: [chr(int(hex_num)) for hex_num in ENCODED_STRING.split(" ")]

Let's see if this works.


RENT: In Mint Tin with fake button rattles.

Democracy Role Playing (RPG): At Critical Campaign Junctures, Game Master petitions Players for ideas. GM has both Veto and Selection Power; but Gamer Vote (including any negotiations) is encouraged.

"Well, something has to live in The Swamp. And then, I know nothing about The Lands Beyond."

"Copyright," I can already hear a Publishing Minded Game Master say, "takes more than an idea. It takes execution, flesh out..." and here, the words trail off.

I am working on a Train Station Campaign Setting in a Futuristic Post-Apocalypse World in which High & Low Tech Intermerge.


DREAM: smell. There was a smell. A house full of rot, presumably, from a water leak.

a rot consumes your house

There is nothing to do and no hurry to do it.

What is this month? Acceptance... maybe, hopefully.

What do I wish to accomplish next month? Anything?

Oh, Kombucha is going strong.

HA_XYN: It seems a safe bet. I mean, I am totally in the dark and drowning in propaganda. But it seems like a safe bet.

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