Brett's Books
A Fast Fifteen

Less Than Fifteen Minutes Each
Skipped & Skimmed

It's reactionary writing.
Not always accurate.

My thoughts.
My opinions.

Sometimes, the book in hand is little more than a catalyst.

As in, the following notes represent what I was thinking while holding (and paging through) these books. But those thoughts may have little or nothing to do with the book in hand.

Finally, spoilers (may or may not) abound.

Disposable Books

By now, I expect you know the drill: a few minutes with a book, recording my observations... rooted in perception (and whatever moves my mind) not reality.

Oh, and I've decided anything that I consider mine (and has been in my possession for more than a few hours), I will denote with a Personal Stacks (or some derivation), as the first comment.

Mommies Dearest
A True Story
Christina Crawford

Illinois Library Laws & Rules
In Effect January, 2016

Another way to think of these quickie reviews (Fast Fifteen, The Magazine Project, and so on) is as riddles that can't possibly be solved. What caused me to make this note? What line in the book? What word? What paragraph? What chapter? A problem made all the more complex by the musings (call it the drift) of my mind. It really is a You Can't Win situation. It is likely a game that only computers will ever play.

Dungeons & Dragons
Art & Arcana
A Visual History

Civil Procedure
25 Holt/Landmark Law Summaries
Analysis and Explanation

I just noticed that because the first line of my notes starts with 1970, my note app wants to start a list, with the next item being 1971. The flash (and then, deletion) has been bothering me.

{And now, in retrospect, I am even less certain that the 1971 below is correct, but it could be.}

Fundamentals of Illinois Civil Procedure
Alphonse Cerza

Magic the Gathering
Rise of the Gatewatch
A Visual History

Things From The Flood
Simon Stalenhag

The Electric State
Simon Stalenhag

Insta Style

Stephanie Moulton Sarkis, PhD

Rivers of London
Aaronovitch, Cartmel, Sullivan, Guerrero, & Vassileva

The Set Photography
Behind the Scenes of James Cameron's 1986 Masterpiece

Chuck Palahniuk

The Book Thief
Markus Zusak

Showman Killer
The Golden Child

It's literally been two months since the last entry.

A New Earth
Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
Eckhart Tolle

Ready for the Big Finish? It is time to clear the stacks. I'm starting by throwing out wholesale (no need to review one iota) six computer books.

Sorry. There will be no Big Finish. I am throwing out a lot of twenty books and pamphlets, one of them a duplicate copy (same cover, same printed edition) of The Heart of Darkness. I think it is safe to say I am done with this project ... or at least, this page.

next Brett's Books entry

Home Brett's Books Index

I wonder if I will do something like this again. I am thinking about keeping a reading diary, with the intent being to make a single entry (or series of entries) concerning my current reading experience.

© copyright 2019 Brett Paufler