Elvin Eyes


Brett Paufler

Elvin Eyes

Elvin Eyes--swimming under the moon
Playful and bright in your childhood home
I don't understand--I don't see
The playful sprite--the magical flow
The wonders that abound--surround--course through me!

Elvin Eyes!
Elvin lips, elvin Nose, elvin mouth
Desire you know--it's all you could be
And poetry--the magic, the beauty--does it flow?

Elvin Eyes--silently, swiftly swimming
Graceful laps in your childhood home
I take in the air, take in the night
Take in the sights, and Oh! What a sight!

But Elvin eyes--Elvin eyes--what beautiful eyes
The moon reflects softly--the water tastes sweet
Much too elusive, and others are watching
so I gaze at the moon, instead of your eyes

The eyes of desire, the sea of heart ache
Whatever you want--that's what it takes

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