FILE: Mahalo DATE: 2010-12-13 ARCHIVE: 2020-08-10 (c) Copyright Brett Paufler # # # # # # # # # # # # # # I enjoyed Halloween as a child: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. The first time I was in charge of Halloween was after I moved to Hawaii. And I did what I could. For the most, I stood in the driveway, as it was just easier. And handed out Cans of Soda, Bags of Chips, Full Size Candy Bars, Big Cans of Tomato Juice (Vegetarian Blood, don't you know), Snack Size Apple Sauce, and pretty much whatever else sounded good. The Cans of Soda started as a joke (by another, so who knows where they got the idea). Between putting The Sodas in icy water (thereby, freezing the little bugger's hands) and the subsequent need to void, they are hardly the one sided delight a small tiny (presumably innocent) child might at first imagine. Still, the kids loved it. And pretty much everything cost about a quarter (wholesale). So, the $50 I spent in preparation more than covered the 150-175 kids that showed up. Bottom line, it was a hit. And when it was time to thank someone in the neighbourhood for a school project, I got a note. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # "Every year you make Halloween wonderful for the children of [town]..." [boilerplate thanks redacted]. "You make our Halloween night memorable, safe and loads of fun!" # # # # # # # # # # # # # # There's a more few lines [redacted]. But that's the important part and why I've saved the associated image scan (now deleted) for a solid decade, which for me, is a very long time.