FILE_NAME: Federal Court System WRITTEN: 2019-12-23 ARCHIVED: 2020-05-28 (c) Copyright Brett Paufler # # # # # # # # # # # # # # {Notes regarding my reading of a Government Issued Pamphlet: The Federal Court System in the United States. Originally, this was to be part of my Judging the Judges spur. But as with all the other notes that fall into this spur, I lost interest and could not be bothered.} # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Federal Court System Do we want an expansion of the rule of law? State & Federal. So clearly double jeopardy. There's an [Ethics Committee[ of sorts. Ah, but it's a Meaningless code of conduct. It has no teeth. Constitution is supposed to be paramount in all courts. Bail. End. Stop # # # THE FEDERAL COURT SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES An Introduction for Judges and Judicial Administrators in Other Countries # # # {And the point of archiving this note? Getting it off my desk. That really is it. Perhaps, it is value added for another. Perhaps it is not. But at +/-4kb, it hardly matters.}