
Disagreement Not Agreement

Is at the Heart of an Economic Transaction

We smile.
We shake hands.
We have come to an agreement.
Nothing could be further from the truth..

In Stock Market transactions the Buyer and Seller have apposing viewpoints.

I spent a decade of my life going to the Flea Market on Saturdays and Sundays.  During this time, E-Bay became a thing.  At the beginning of the E-Bay Era, a person could make a profit 'Transporting' items from the Flea Market to the E-Bay Market.  And this would be an example of a common complaint with the above analysis: that different folks have access to different markets that a store operates under different economic constraints from it's customers.  However, this isn't accurate .  Though it is true at the beginning of the E-Bay Era some folks knew about this new market and others did not.  After a few years, everyone at the Flea Market knew about E-Bay to the point that some would print out screen shots of E-Bay Auctions and place them next to key items that they were selling to establish their worth.  For example, one might sell an item similar to one that had sold on E-Bay for $100 at $75, a $25 discount.  And herein is where we have the disagreement.  That even if both parties knew about E-Bay and knew it was the higher paying market, they disagreed about the whether it was worth the effort to carry the item to this new market. What keeps the whole thing going and clouds away this basic state of affairs is that not only do:
And so, we find that at the heart of any economic transaction lies a profound disagreement over preference, value, and worth.

Disagreement Drives the Market

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There will be those who disagree with my analysis, but does this not in itself prove my point?