Brett Code

Circle Fill

The image is fractalish, a green sort of circle, light, olive, fills the screen, blackish in the center, becoming more saturated with color towards the edge, after the center cirlce, there are additional circles in the four corners, not perfectly placed, but close enough, and from there, smaller and smaller circles filling the rest fo the image

What do we want?
Circles filling the page!

When do we want it?
The better part of a year ago!

My fingers have not spent that much time dancing across a keyboard these past twelve months... or at least in that time, I have not coded as much as I had the year before.

I started this project a year ago, quit, forgot about it completely, and only came back to it as I was 'cleaning up' my code repository, which for the most meant refactoring almost everything I had ever written.

Yes, it is true, the time-machine that is my code repository is full of crap.

The State of Being

It is a black and white circle, the edge is more defined than the center, it fades inward This one fades outward, the center is well defined, while the edges fade away

First, get something to the screen.

This is the start of the program and as far as I got last year, to fit the circles to the image, I was trying to shift numpy arrays, which may well work, if not efficiently, or maybe more efficiently that what I finally settled on, but there was an error or two in the logic that I never did fix

Then, trick it out.

The first two images are rather straight forward (and are from a year ago): circles with a gradient. I improved my gradient technique in the second go round. But the initial implementation would have sufficed (and I likely would have never had the need to revisit this) had the placement algorithm worked correctly: I reference the second image with multiple white circles on a black background here.

Placement Algorithm

1) Find biggest hole (empty space, zeroes) in array.
2) Place largest possible circle (ones) in centre of hole.
3) Rinse and repeat.

So, um, there are five circles on the canvas, and since there are other places (the black corners) that are obviously better areas, in which to place the next circle (you know, rather than being stacked on top of the previous circles in the corners, pick the large open areas), something wasn't working correctly.

Any-the-way, this is where I stopped, took a year off, read a year's worth of Supreme Court opinions, studied a bit of Abstract Algebra & Category Theory (clearly, I have no problem tooting my own horn), and even went so far as to read every last Python PEP (only now moving on to the raw source code).

But as to actual coding, no I didn't do much.

Oh, I also managed to read the numpy documentation (well, a lot of it). And so, when it was time to get back to work on this little project, I'd learned enough in the interim to know that I could scrap most of what I'd previously done. Well, actually, that's not true. I used it as a go by... of sorts.

Fade to Black

Basically, this is what integer overflow looks like on an image, it is chaotic, patterned lines, actually can look pretty cool, but it is not what I wanted This is also what it looks like, there will be plenty more examples of same as we go down page, in this case we have two concentric fading circles, which at the end of the fade, overflow, and revert to maximum brightness As per other, only as color, rgb, to give it some color, each of the layers was giving a different multiplier

Having fun with integer overflow.

The circles in my original project (form a year ago) were greyscale, but I wanted to use RGB colour, because it looks cooler. This caused integer overflow problems during the conversion. But as that is one of my favourite visual effects, I recognized the cause of the problem right away.

Oh, and if you're wondering what the point of this section is... um, didn't I say? Integer overflow: I've encountered it a lot (like a lot) in my imaging work. The above is what it looks like (more to follow further down the page).

Integer Overflow


Or in other words, the number after 255 is 0. Think of it as base 256 (using np.uint8 as the dtype) and you might have the right idea.

These next three form a series, showing that I can place a fade wherever I want to one the image, which I shall likely call screen here and there, a fade is a gradient is a gently sloping change in color values Pinkish background with hole poked in center Opposite of the first image in series, black in upper left, full color in lower right

From zero to one, filling the screen.

This was one of those nice insights that I am sure will pay off in the long run. Originally, I had created the circle and then custom fit the gradient into the circle. But the easy solution (and therefore, the better solution) was to create a full screen gradient (this can always be done in a temporary array); cut a circle out of that (by using a circle mask to zero out all the other values that aren't part of the circle); and finally, normalize the result (by which I mean, stretching all values from 0->1.0 or 0->255, as the case may be).

Then, before calling it a day, settling in for a beer, maybe another viewing of Pride & Prejudice, and/or going for a walk to view the sunset, it might be a good idea to ensure I can place that gradient wherever I want.

This is a failed test, as the circles where supposed to be evenly spaced, around the centre circle, this is also integer overflow, but it hardly matters, as sometimes that is what you want, I multiplied the distance from centre of the underlying layers by different large values, x255, x125, x25 or something like that, to get a contour map of sorts

OK! Well, now I need that beer!

The integer overflow, I was expecting, as that was baked in (as in, I put it there so I could better 'see' the gradient). That flattening at the bottom. Well, that's not what I would call an even gradient. Would you?

Huh! Answer me punk!

Smoothing the Circle

Sauron, if I have spelled that right, is one of the bad guys, or The Bad Guy, I suppose, from the Lord of the Ring, almost any vaguely eye effect brings up this notation, labelling in my mind The four images go together, this is top right, previous top left, then the next two being the bottom left and right in order
All four of the images have their centre, where the four images meet, so they merge together well Likely, in times past, this alone would have been good enough for a page, that image I was looking for

My best effects are all accidents.

My best jokes always come on the rewrite.

OK. Fine. It's a lie. But one of those lies that's close enough to the truth that it does not warrant further deconstruction.

See, perfect control of the placement of the gradient. Too bad the gradient isn't even.

Close to the previous, only a larger image, it is a nice effect, I was hoping for more, eye like, but at some point, that starts to fail, I never did make this a 10000x10000 image, which now that I think about it, would have been nice, though the computation might well have taken an hour, perhaps longer, and no modern browser could handle it

I like this effect.

You know, if Sauron had GL..., heck, I do not know the letters, gay, lesbian, transgendered, you know, if Sauron had been into Hobits and was happy to wave his banner high This is the fixed circle, this is what it was supposed to be from the beginning, still cool enough, I would likely be bragging about this if this was all I had, but compared to the other, this is not as artsy

Just try doing the one on the left on purpose.

To compute the distance (and hence, the fade -- and therefore the integer overflow) from 'centre', I centred a horizontal and vertical line (by creating a numpy np.linespace of each) across the desired coordinates (so zero was at the desired centre), computed the distance from these hypothetical coordinates (using np.hypot, and placed the final result in a two dimensional array, which represented the gradient.

def gradient(self, x=0, y=0, size=None):
    '''Returns a greyscale gradient

    Fast enough, reducing size is unimportant

        x: x coordinate (left, right) of center
        y: y coordinate (top, bottom) of center

    size = size if size else self.size
    x_axis = np.linspace(
        start=(-x), stop=(size - x), num=size, dtype=np.float64)
    y_axis = np.linspace(
        start=(-y), stop=(size - y), num=size, dtype=np.float64)

    img = []
    for y in y_axis:
        img.append(np.hypot(x_axis, y))
    img = np.vstack(img)

    img = self.stretch(img)

    return img

Note: I've done a lot of imaging work, so I have shorthand memomnics baked into the code.

image = image file on disk (png, jpg, etc.)
img = np.array convertible to an image file

Anyway, this is, obviously, part of a larger code base (all those self's should indicate that this method is part of a class). Anyway, self.stretch() is a home-brewed normalizing function (img range is restricted from 0.0 to 1.0) and the 'eye', which is what I call the funky effect, came about from trying to use a ready made. So, you know, serves me right.

But that bug (and/or cool effect) wasn't so hard to sniff out, as it obviously had to do with the distance measurement in some way.

Hmm? Let me see? It's probably not np.hypo, because those folks at numpy are pretty smart. So, maybe it's that other part that I'm not familiar with, which it was.

Happy Days!

Tripping the Light Fantastic

The next three are basically the same image, the only difference is the gradient option selected, this one is edge, which means the edge is brighter, centre darker Fade, as a mode selector in my code meant the centre was brighter, the edge darker, I could have used centre and edge, but it never caught on with my mind Here there is no fade and the colors are solid throughout.

Edge - Fade - Solid

This is the circle/gradient tester sequence.

These images look as I intended.

Ergo Sum: Success!

Most of my programs are so experimental, I almost never know what the final product is going to look like: only a rough idea, with the yardstick being did I come close enough... after taking the design changes I invariable make along the way into account.

Thus, I find 'Test Driven Development' to be unhelpful. When the destination is unknown, it's hard to say when we've gotten there.

That bit of self-doubt out of the way, this functionality is encapsulated in my imaging library; so from now on, I should be able to add circles and gradients to any image in the blink of an eye. Strange in a way, how long it has taken me to get this far in encapsulating my imaging work.

But then, I suppose the explanation for that has something to do with that whole 'lack of a goal' thingie.

Closing the Circle

There three images are basically the same, the first has black and white, greyscale graphics, the second color, but uninteresting, and the last, though monochromatic, is of the right color to be pleasing to my eye this is pretty close to what I wanted, circles filling the screen, page, image, whatever, all those words seem to mean the same to my mind, though, obviously image is best The solution is not perfect, however, as the circle edges overlap, bummer

So, what were we working on again?

Having my circle generator in-place (clearly, I shall not bore you with the details), all I needed to do was fill the image (or numpy array, as the case may be) with the largest possible circle.

I used Scipy's binary_erosion for the heavy lifting, counting the number of iterations it took to fully erode the inverse of the image (I changed the image from black to white; and then, eroded the white to black: i.e. the ones to zeroes), calling the number of iterations (minus 1) the radius of the circle, and placing the next circle at any space that was still coloured at the next to last iterative step (so, margin of error was supposed to be a single pixel, as some circles have up to four centre pixes; and then, as a slightly separate point, often, multiple blank spaces would be equally valid locations for the next circle -- say in the four corners after the first centre circle was placed).

If that's not overly clear, not to worry (he said sarcastically), as the code isn't much clearer.

Thus (and instead), I'll merely recap what I just said. 'I used Scipy's binary_erosion to find the centre and counted the number of steps it took me to erase everything.'

If you'll note, the circles overlap. I did not want the circles to overlap.

Circling the Square

The circles overlap, I do not want this

The Problem: Overlapping circles.

Non overlapping circles fit evenly into a square grid, the grid as a presence, a color value, so the erosion picks it up, and all blank areas start from these lines The error was in measuring the radius of elongated areas, and/or diagonals, odd shapes, did not erode as I had anticipated, as my eye would erode them, these two tester squares prove the placement algorithm is fixed

The Solution: Stop it!

So, I took a detour here to add arbitrary grid functionality to my imaging system (something I likely should have done a long time ago), because I had a hunch the problem was in measuring diagonal distance, which it was (or close enough).

Once, I knew the problem. I found the error in my code in a couple of minutes.

HINT: by counting the amount of binary_erosion it took to clear an area, I was counting the maximum distance in any direction (actually, I don't know if this is true and it probably is not, what is true is that it was not counting the minimum distance, which is what I needed).

Of course, this would not have made any difference if my distance checker function worked, but we need not get into that troublesome detail (binary_erosion finds centre, nearest_neighbor from centre finds radius -- this later being a home-brew).

Bottom line, after I knew conclusively where the problem lie, it took me about ten minutes to resolve the issue, maybe less.

But seriously, isn't it odd how I needed to 'know conclusively' (by implementing grid functionality no less) where the problem was, before my mind was able to focus on the solution.

Anyway, from there, it was just a matter of running the main program again.

Coming Full Circle

The first shall be last and the last shall be first, I often begin this sort of page with the ending image and the beginning image the same, this is what we are working toward, this is what we accomplished, which usually tends to be the same, after all, this is a history, not forward looking, I think I started this project wishing to make a Fantasy Map Generator, so there you are, slightly off base, but goes a long way towards explaining all those Sauron references


It's not a perfect implementation, but it's close enough for me.

The circles at the corners should extend all the way to the edge of the image, which means the shape of the empty space is having an effect (i.e. I am eroding from the edge, not filling from the centre, so even this close to the solution, I am way off).

Still, considering I originally called this project Island, as I wanted to put together a procedural island landscape generator, I've delved into repeating circles for long enough now.

Join me next time when I decide to take a year off to enjoy my 'retirement'... and write a mystery novel instead.

Oh, Nikolai!
Die! Die! Die!

coming someday(?)
to a website near you.

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Of course, you are!

Brett Code
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© copyright 2017 Brett Paufler