The Colourized Zebra Effect

Adding Moving Horizontal Stripes to an Image

Brett Paufler - Color Zebra Effect - Boy Playing Office

Let's Learn How to Make This Effect
Shall We?

Being a Conceptual Walk Through
Opposed to a How To.

All images from my
front page
just in case you want to check out the originals.

Black and White Stripes

Extreme Black OR White
img[img>0.50] = 1
img[img<=0.50] = 0

working with Python Numpy arrays

Brett Paufler Playing at Work - Black or White
Brett Paufler with Doctor Stuffed Animal
Brett Paufler 1976 Camp Picture
Brett Paufler SF Bay Alcatraz in Background

Greyscale with void in the center
img[img>0.50] += 0.25
img[img<=0.50] -= 0.25
img[img>1.0] = 1.0
img[img<0.0] = 0.0

Brett Paufler Playing at Work - Grey Shift Center Void
Brett Paufler with Doctor Stuffed Animal - Grey Shift Center Void
Brett Paufler 1976 Camp Picture - Grey Shift Center Void
Brett Paufler SF Bay Alcatraz in Background - Grey Shift Center Void

for i in range(img.shape[0]):
if stripe:
for j in range(img.shape[1]):
img[i,j] = abs(img[i,j] -1)
with stripe toggled every 50 lines (i.e. i)

To get moving stripes,
the toggle point is sequentially incremented
throughout the entire range
(e.g. instead of toggling at [0,10,20...]
it's toggled at [1,11,21...];
and then, more so on the next line)

Brett Paufler Playing at Work - Black or White
Brett Paufler with Doctor Stuffed Animal - Striped
Brett Paufler 1976 Camp Picture - Striped
Brett Paufler SF Bay Alcatraz in Background - Striped

Greyscale Striped

Brett Paufler Playing at Work - GreyScale Striped
Brett Paufler with Doctor Stuffed Animal - GreyScale  Striped
Brett Paufler 1976 Camp Picture - GreyScale Striped
Brett Paufler SF Bay Alcatraz in Background - GreyScale Striped

Tighter Stripes

Brett Paufler Playing at Work - Black White stripes at 25
Brett Paufler with Doctor Stuffed Animal - Black White stripes at 25
Brett Paufler 1976 Camp Picture - Black White stripes at 25
Brett Paufler SF Bay Alcatraz in Background - Black White stripes at 25

With Greyscale

Brett Paufler Playing at Work - Greyscale stripes at 25
Brett Paufler with Doctor Stuffed Animal - Greyscale stripes at 25
Brett Paufler 1976 Camp Picture - Greyscale stripes at 25
Brett Paufler SF Bay Alcatraz in Background - Greyscale stripes at 25

Ever Smaller Stripes
simply toggling the switch more often

Brett Paufler Playing at Work - Black or White
Brett Paufler with Doctor Stuffed Animal
Brett Paufler 1976 Camp Picture
Brett Paufler SF Bay Alcatraz in Background

Black OR White
Toggled Every Line

Brett Paufler Playing at Work - Black White Micro Stripe
Brett Paufler with Doctor Stuffed Animal - Black White Micro Stripe
Brett Paufler 1976 Camp Picture - Black White Micro Stripe
Brett Paufler SF Bay Alcatraz in Background - Black White Micro Stripe

Constant Toggle

It's a subtle effect,
sort of like embossing,
(the effect being more pronounced on full size images).

Brett Paufler Playing at Work - GrayScale Micro Striped
Brett Paufler with Doctor Stuffed Animal - GrayScale Micro Striped
Brett Paufler 1976 Camp Picture - GrayScale Micro Striped
Brett Paufler SF Bay Alcatraz in Background - GrayScale Micro Striped

Colorized Version
utilizing the above effects
independently on the R,G,B color bands

eList = [(w,e) for w in [1,10,25,50]
  for e in [black_white,grey_shift]]

i.e. I tried a lot of combinations.
It's hit or miss with image effects.

Brett Paufler Playing at Work - Black or White
Brett Paufler with Doctor Stuffed Animal
Brett Paufler 1976 Camp Picture
Brett Paufler SF Bay Alcatraz in Background

Final GiFs

I looked at 256 image combinations
for each of these pictures,
chose the ones I liked best,
and for the best,
made sequences converted into gifs.

Plug and Chug is the rule of the day.

Brett Paufler - Color Zebra Effect - Boy Playing Office
Blinking Boy
Two images, toggle starts on in one, off in the other

Brett Paufler - Color Zebra Effect - Boy Playing Office
Camp Crud
Four images, cycling between the colour band layers

Brett Paufler - Alcatraz - Psychodelic Flashing Line Effect
Same as above, but with thicker lines and more colour band layers

Brett Paufler - Hardly Working - Colorized Scrolling Lines Zebra Effect
Hardly Working
Sequential images,
which differ from one another only in the offset of the initial stripe
are stacked together in a GiF.

It might seem like I skipped ahead a bunch at the end.
And I probably did.
But it's really just incremental addition,
gaining inspiration from the previous,
to make the next step.

And seriously, you can't expect me to just give ALL my secrets away.

Brett Stuff
For More Like This
(and like nothing else)

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