Master of Orion Running Notes (c) Copyright Brett Paufler # # # 2021-09-16 I've had Master of Orion loaded on My Machine for at least two years (maybe three, maybe only 21 months if someone wants to be more exact). And I have started it once, to confirm it would run. It's time to find out if it will do more... or even if it will do more than launch into the start screen. # # # I'd say the intro movie was not money well spent. But then, I watched it. And it is/was likely very important in marketing. I am playing in, well, DosBox, I guess is how it goes, the music playing in the background as I type these notes. DOSBox.exe taking up roughly 8.0% of my CPU: 74K. # # # Small Simple Three Human Green Duran? Sol # # # There is going to be a bit of a learning curve, here. Also, I can't say I'm that hyped. It's got a bit of a Lemonade Stand feel to it. # # # Saves & Loads! But it's going to be slow going... if I go at all. # # # # # # 2021-10-04 I lost interest after that first spring and never loaded the game again. It is too old. I do not care. Or if you want a more exacting answer, there were far too many buttons to push for too little information. It is questionable if I will ever load the other games I got for that Christmas, so long ago. #EOF - End of File