FILE: Storage Locker DATE: 2012-11-02 (at a guess) ARCHIVED: 2020-08-12 (c) Copyright Brett Paufler # # # # # # # # # # # # # # For a while there, I was going to transform this note into a Rant, along with an accompanying Montage Photograph (you're not really supposed to understand). But after a month of getting nowhere, it is clear I cannot be bothered. The text preceding the list is as far as I got in the aforementioned Rant. The meat and potatoes of the piece would have been an annotation of the accompanying picture of pictures (so, a montage). # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Locker Loss Let's Write It Off I would have thought there was more. And I am sure there is. But way back in time, I stored some stuff in another's Storage Locker with the provision that the person paying rent on the locker could keep the stuff (or I would not hold them responsible for its loss) if things went sour. Long story short, things went sour. Like I said, I would have thought there was more. 4x Thin Wall Shelves Blankets 4x Shoes Sunset Picture Labyrinth Movie Poster # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Oh, to be sure, there had to be more. But this is the sum total of that which I wished to make note.