FILE_NAME: Image Smear WRITTEN: 2019-05-13 ARCHIVED: 2020-05-27 (c) Copyright Brett Paufler # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Image Smear Filter Successive images... overlaid with transparency... implied forward motion Probably Mod {Modulo, keep the remainder division} Assume 100 images Mod 10 stacked, with transparency 10% 01,11,21... 02,12,22.. img_01 * .10 + img_11 * .10, etc... should blend picture And then, combine into a GIF I have Array to Gif In FFmpeg [a cut and paste being removed] I think this is done Extract from Movie Alpha Stack on mod GIF images together in order See how it works # # # # # # # # Zeroing in on text Bloody knife self portrait wearing wife beater shirt # # # {These last two being a possible images to create. If unclear Image Smear is what I call a Stationary Motion Blur. It looks like motion. But it's repeating, so nothing ever goes anywhere. But the eyes follow the wave. In short, it's a creative film loop done as a GIF. It's also an effect I've seen elsewhere, so my conception of the solution may be wrong. Let us try to keep this syntax moving forward: []: redactions {}: comments at time of archiving Archived for the obvious reason that after a year with no progress, it's clear this is not a priority. Also, I've fairly well internalized the Algorithm, so I don't need the note. }