Dual City One Two (Their Names) 2021-08-22 (c) Copyright Brett Paufler # # # One - Two Right - Left # # # I think One - Two. Though, that will get weird on the write-up. So, let's think about that. Nutshell: Two Garden of Eden Cities. # # # East & West suffers from a reversal of order. Whereas, Critical Support flows so nicely together, it's the one. Critical: Wonders Engineer Wonders Main Build Support: Units Artistic Wonders I mean, in much, they are the same, building everything, all the time. But there is an ordering preference. And Critical gets it if there is room. Critical: The Pyramids The Great Library Support: The Great Wall The Parthenon & Sistine # # # I cannot build any settlers. Never. It would be nice to be able to cross these things off, just disallow them completely {i.e. modify the game somehow}. It would make rule enforcement that much easier. I mean, I have completely forgotten about one or more of these rules in the past. # # # !!!NO SETTLERS!!! # # # I don't know how I feel about attacks. Well, I do know. They are fair game. I can declare. But what do I want out of conquered foes? Oh, I think I will have {as opponents}: Mansu Last Game's Threat Ragnar A Solid Tech'er Shaka & Monty Backwards Targets Is four enough? I want to play on a larger map. Bismark Hey, he's beaten me fair and square Washington Another solid tech'er So, that's six opponents. And I'll play on an even bigger map with 10% land. # # # Deity (or highest/hardest) Starting Techs: The Entire First Row + Masonry Fishing Farming The Wheel Hunting Mysticism Mining Masonry Two Settlers Two Fast Workers Two Warriors I doubt I will gift myself any Great People, relying on a greater tech rate to sweep The Early Religions. # # # Do I want ALL GOLD in The Fat Cross? What are my starting bonus resource rules? Probably, none. So, what do I want? # # # I am using the same Map Script. I forget the name. {But it's listed in the Save Games.} I can control: Number Continents Water Separation And so on And add lots of Flood Plains But I am not getting the landmass configuration I am after, which is hard to describe as it is a sort of know it when I see it sort of thing {evenly spaced distinct continents separated by sea, but not necessarily in a grid}. Oh, and I may just go up against random adversaries, as the continual fill-in process is getting tedious. Still, sooner or later, I will get an acceptable map... just maybe not today. # # # I got a map. I don't think I messed up... too bad. Two Loaded Fat Crosses Assured Strategic Resources Two Working Sets: Settler Worker Warrior All First Row Techs: Masonry So, I can start {Building Wonders} right out of the gate Now, I'll be annoyed if the map does not work out right. But I did do my (possibly, indifferent) best. Gandhi: Weaklings: Shaka Monty Strong Techers: Bismark Mansu Ragnar ???: Washington He's not always a player Islands may allow contact Pre-Astronomy. But should not cause Early Game concern. Yikes. Let me double check Game Speed. # # # Deity Marathon # # # I'm calling it close enough. This is what I am playing. # # # !!!NO SETTLERS!!! What else? Will there be any other hard and fast rules? # # # Just checked. The map was missing a Floodplains. So, I corrected that. And my starting Health is at -4. Yikes. # # # 2021-08-22 The first problem is low health coupled with a lack of stone in SUPPORT. I am restarting. It was only the founding turn. So, I am micro-managing the first turn. Still, see how it goes? I wonder if I would be better off sending SUPPORT's worker over? Double Teaming Critical? If I do that, do I want Support to start on Fishing Boats? Or a worker for roads? I wonder how much I can grab {Wonder and Religion wise}. I can't say the lead seems dominating from this angle. If I play fair, I likely cannot land either Buddhism or Hinduism. And if that's the case, might I be better off going for Sailing? - - - I might allow myself to break the settler rule, if I use said settler to found a Pop 1 City, with an artist (no growth), building culture, as a sort of cultural envoy. Though, the more I think about it, the less I see the viable application. Resolved?: Sailing? Bureaucracy PreReqs Critical: Both Workers Growth to Gold Support: ??? Fishing Boats? Worker? I'm finding it a little surprising how much there is to think about. Out of the gate, I am hampered by poor health. Oh, it will resolve. But it denies me a commanding early lead. And though I have Stone in Critical, I do not have it in Support. So, many questions! Let The Games Begin! # # # Sailing Support: Worker: Gems To Critical Build: Fish Boats The Great Wall Stagnant Critical: Worker: Food Food Build: Pyramids # # # 2021-08-22 Yeah, I am going to micro the start again. Sailing was the right choice. I'd have lost Hinduism. And I am still not convinced I could land Buddhism. I think I will try for Organized Religion, though. Actually, I need to look at it further. How many turns am I delaying Bureaucracy? Fishing Boats are likely pointless. # # # T34: It looks like I could have gotten Buddhism. I'm a little sad about that. But I still believe Sailing is the more competitive play. It will get me further in the long run. T50: I switched to Meditation, did not get Buddhism, and switched back to Animal Husbandry. # # # GAME OVER! 2021-08-22 046-01-01-T108 - Critical Support - Lost Oracle Race - BC-2420 I lost quite a few races, playing like a first timer, going for gold, missing most of the prizes. I can get Buddhism out of the gate; otherwise, no. Stonehenge or The Great Wall. But workers are way more important. So, just skip. Once The Pyramids land, I'll be able to bring all my tiles online... all of them. I will need a horde of workers. SUPPORT: Warriors to Grow Worker Worker Worker Warriors CRITICAL: The Pyramids Wonders RESEARCH: Meditation Priesthood Beeline Bureaucracy # # # # # # GAME-02 # # # # # # 2021-08-22 046-02-01-T99 - Critical Support - Code of Bureaucracy - BC-2515 I am not winning every race. I lost The Great Wall and Stonehenge. But I did land both Buddhism and Confucianism. I popped Civil Service with The Oracle, which is a nice get. Washington has made contact. And Monty made contact in a previous game. Researching: Animal Husbandry Let's turn these cities on Bronze ditto Iron Working ditto ditto Metal Casting The Colossus Denial Wonder as was The Great Lighthouse Aesthetics Schwedagon Paya Delays the need for Monotheism The Parthenon More Better Great People I think I have those last two reversed. I probably would have been better off passing The Great Lighthouse or The Oracle off to Support (but did not think of it in time), alternating The Early Wonders. I am well poised. But I am definitely nowhere near {as far} ahead as I was on the previous map. It's a slower start. Support will be kicking out Axes, pretty soon. And my Power should stay relatively high. Though, a dominating tech like Feudalism or Rifles really can't come along soon enough. I don't want to trade units with Monty. Thus, Machinery for Maces (with my pre-existing Civil Service) will be the next tech after all the above. It is not as dominating a strategy as before. So, Literature, next. Though, Critical Support is going to have tons of Hammers. # # # GAME OVER! 2021-08-23 046-02-01-T99 - Critical Support - Code of Bureaucracy - BC-2515 I do have mixed feelings about do-overs. But I woke up thinking I could do better. And that's that. The early Warriors from Support do me little good right out of the gate. And I'd still rather have The Great Wall. So, let's see how well I can fine tune these first hundred turns. # # # # # # GAME-03 # # # # # # GAME OVER! 2021-08-23 046-03-01-T89 - Critical Support - Stockpiling Gold - BC-2665 I believe I should favour City Growth over Research. But the real killer came from looking up at the research slider and realizing I'd stockpiled over 800 in gold, which would be enough (converted into beakers) to keep me on track for a T99 switch to Bureaucracy. After all, I am not trying to do worse. Switching off Wonders between Critical and Support will work, allowing me to move-on that much quicker. It is my intent (once I get a solid start) to bounce off that {start}, using it as my new start for later games. {Though, I never do, so why I continue to have this desire/belief is beyond me.} # # # # # # GAME-04 # # # # # # 2021-08-23 046-04-01-T102 - Critical Support - Code of Bureaucracy - BC-2480 This critical milestone is three turns later than the second try. But I did nail both Buddhism and The Great Wall. So, there is a bit of sugar, there. I opted to improve my food tiles, first. So, the delay was from less research on account of working all that gold for a few turns less. # # # GAME OVER! 2021-08-23 046-04-02-T121 - Critical Support - Losing Vision - BC-2290 I do like these early parts of the game. I built a ship to explore. But I question how much I care about that... or even want to start working on diplomacy. Perhaps, The Great Lighthouse as a defensive play is the wrong strategy. Perhaps, I should be more aggressive. I am losing the use of a library for 25 Turns, if nothing else. And I have no Trade Routes going. This is going to be a hard game. Bronze Working over Sailing and I can Chop The Pyramids... to some extent. # # # # # # GAME-05 # # # # # # GAME OVER! Bronze Working did not help in the building of The Pyramids. It can come later. Also, I have too many workers. # # # # # # GAME-06 # # # # # # 2021-08-23 046-06-01-T95 - Critical Support - Code of Bureaucracy - BC-2575 I beat my best time for this milestone (Code of Bureaucracy: Code of Laws & Civil Service) by four turns, which is something. I likely sacrificed The Great Lighthouse for these numbers, which is OK. The Great Lighthouse was a Denial Wonder. And I am not up by enough to worry about Denial Wonders all too terribly much. I need to put together a cohesive plan for the future; which means, it's time for a walk. # # # 2021-08-23 046-06-02-T220 - Critical Support - Doing Time - BC-1300 I do not have a plan. I am doing time. Because I am running Hereditary Rule, I have a massive stack. But I am not prepared for an offensive. Both Shaka and Monty have attacked. Both have been repulsed. ??? I am the leader. That lead will falter. ??? # # # ROLL BACK! 046-06-02-T220 - Critical Support - Doing Time - BC-1300 - ROLL BACK >>>to<<< 046-06-01-T95 - Critical Support - Code of Bureaucracy - BC-2575 It's not so much that I can do more, as I can do better. I was thinking Machinery should be an earlier research priority so as to enable Maces. But I never really got around to it. Well, Maces are coming online faster {this next time around}. And I do not anticipate either making peace with Shaka or Monty or sinking any of their ships. I'll give them all the casualties they can handle. The Tech lead is commanding enough. I can go for maximum efficiency... or however we want to say that. Great Artist from Music {can be used} for Nationalism; or at least, not Drama. Settle the Scientists. Well, or do the math. But I really won't have much research late game if I don't settle them all. {Realistically, Bulbing Scientists is more efficient than settling them, as one gets 250 Turns worth (or so) of comparable value right away.} # # # 2021-08-24 046-06-03-T151 - Critical Support - Organized War - BC-1990 Early Maces came at the cost of The Temple of Artemis, which I will accept. Monty is plotting and will get crushed. The next step is Religions and Wonders. I will save at the sweep... perhaps, reloading if things don't go that well. Sweeping The Religions at this level of advantage is not an unrealistic expectation. - - - Yeah, I don't like losing any Wonders... any. But if Monty and/or Shaka attack, I'll be glad to have a stack of maces waiting. - - - The break point will be after The Religious Sweep. I do not know what I want out of this map nor how I intend to obtain victory... save a simple military one. I do like the idea of pestering Monty and Shaka with superior fire power and just enjoying myself. Stacks of Cannons, anyone? {Upon re-reading these notes, I do have some desire to replay the map, with The Early War against Monty and Shaka being one of the more interesting aspects to consider.} # # # 2021-08-24 046-06-04-T204 - Critical Support - Religious Sweep - BC-1460 I am the clear leader, which is no surprise. Well, it is a bit of a surprise. But it should not be. On the other hand, someone will sweep past me. It is inevitable. I took The Religions. I do not know my next goal... nor will it be a beeline, cohesive goal. Education? Knights (for defence)? I am friendly (well, not enemies of) Washington, Bismark, and Mansu. Monty is smashing his troops. Shaka is licking his lips. - - - Eduction does not seem like much of a break point. But it is a long way off. {An Offensive} Attack before Cannons has always proved unrewarding. # # # 2021-08-24 1150BC T235 I am having fun destroying Monty's comical attempts at invasion. It's free experience. As to Shaka, I've got a stack of Triremes blocking his way. And that will likely be that. I declared against Mansu at Bismark's behest. And I will not be making peace with him either, as I don't want a negative hit if I get squeezed between Washington and Bismark: Bismark "join our war" Washington "you declared on our friend" It's not there yet. But why stress it. I'll make a hard save around Education, as that's a good way-point. # # # 2021-08-24 046-06-05-T268 - Critical Support - Astronomy - BC-0820 I have Astronomy. I have a rather large stack, but I want more, as the goal is to sit and hit Shaka or Monty with a stack of cannons. I'm thinking: 20 Galleons 30 Cannons 30 Support I believe I will hit kwaDukuza, sitting on the hill outside the city and waiting for Shaka to send all his troops my way. In the meantime, everyone is at war with Monty. So, I may have to use my influence in The Apostolic Palace to declare a truce. I would say that I am not doing enough. But then, Shaka is going to land with a stack of twenty units. So, defending against that is something. It's a fun cake walk. Don't ask me why I find it so satisfying. # # # 2021-08-25 046-06-06-T292 - Critical Support - Land Sea War - BC-0580 I have a commanding lead, which I am enjoying. The landing parties from Monty, Shaka, and (surprisingly) Mansu have been getting a bit thick. So, I am releasing a swarm of Frigates to destroy the assaults {i.e. landing parties} en route. I do not get the same experience. And the war weariness is adding up (quite quickly). But it's the play I am making. The three will have no Fishing Boats left in another 25-50 Turns, which is maybe when I will be ready to start invasions of my own. I don't like casualties. I don't want any. # # # 2021-08-25 046-06-07-T319 - Critical Support - Zulu Invasion - BC-0310 Mansu is behind... by a lot. But he's researching Astronomy. So, it feels like he's coming online. i can't see much of anything else to do but fight a war. It will take a long time to capture Shaka Land. I intend to take it all. My research rate sucks. It will likely be my downfall. Still, taking down Shaka will be fun. # # # 2021-08-25 220 BC T328 Well, I got sick of smacking my cannons against Shaka's stack, so I started destroying troops and captured my first city. It will be a cake walk. Elephants are his best troop, which are relatively useless against rifles. Also, most of his stack is gone. I will eat him alive. My frigates were relatively worthless against Mansu. Oh, they did some damage, but not enough to warrant the effort. I am bringing them home. I am sure Mansu will attack. But I do not care. I believe my cannons will make short work of whatever he brings. So: Shaka Destroy Mansu Expect he will suicide And Monty is busy suiciding. Though, I am destroying his ships now. Do I have a plan other than war? Likely, not. # # # 2021-08-26 046-06-08-T347 - Critical Support - Shaka Railroaded - BC-0030 Washington landed with two (large enough) stacks that I was anxious to accept Shaka's surrender. I have the better half of Shaka's land and may give more of it back. We'll see. I just got done looking at The Apostolic Palace Page. I had thought I had lost the election to Washington. But I guess not. I was concerned he would "Do me the favour" of putting forth a Peace Resolution, ending my war with Shaka. But it was not to be. I'm still a ways off from Corporation. But I have no saved Great People this game. Hmm. How am I going to win? What type of victory do I want? I am torn between attacking Monty and Mansu. Monty will be way easier. While Mansu is more important... though, maybe not. Both Ragnar and Bismark are at war with Mansu. So, he really stands no chance. # # # What do I want? Where am I going? # # # T358: The Aztec reinforcements are flooding into Texcoco like scurrying insects, intent on death. The grouping function is handy, makes the killing easy. There must be some similar trigger for real life insects: The Ultimate Death Trap. # # # 2021-08-26 046-06-09-T367 - Critical Support - Countdown to Science - AD-0170 The game gets thicker as it goes along. Sure, as always, it's cooked. But it's hard to go through the tech tree without going through the tech tree. I don't predict things that well. It's needs to be experienced. Monty is getting gutted; but will not capitulate. It's just as well. I'll get the better bits. And he'll get the outliers and islands. I mean, he might get a choice city or two, as well. But he's going to get that other stuff, too. My stack is invincible... well, it's cannons versus Longbows and Crossbows... even though he {probably Monty, but maybe Shaka} stole Gunpowder. Mansu is winning the war against Bismark. I should do something about that. I'll be sending a few troops Bismark's way. But not many. I don't want to drain Shaka Land. And I don't want to pull anything off the invasion... though, maybe I should. I'm switching Espionage over to Bismark, so I can figure out how to help. See, now, that's something that is a bit off. I should have better information. Germany should be begging and pleading for help. Hey, there is that other game. Maybe, I'm ready to advance... Anyway, if Bismark doesn't prevent it, I'll start seeing Mansu's offensive troop movements. {Bismark did prevent my prying eyes. And I never did garrison a Free Germany.} The Tech Lead is commanding, which I like. I wonder when Mansu will come online... or if he's shooting his wad on a military gambit. I am at war with Monty and Mansu, while Washington and Bismark sit things out. It would be annoying if either turned on me. Does one's word of honour mean nothing? If I really thought I had Bismark in my pocket, I'd start feeding him techs. - - - There is little chance of any of these intermediate named saves making their way into the zip file of saved games. But they are part of the complete back up. "Do you have a research need? Oh, please. You flatter me." I'm fairly certain that if I lose heart (for whatever reason), I'll call it an Implied Victory or Start Over from the very start. Still, I think the naming adds a bit of something... the need for semi-repetitive milestone names. - - - Let's send over a stack of Frigates to protect Bismark. What ye say? Nope! Mansu is Researching Chemistry... or at least, will not trade for it. So, {Mansu's} Frigates are coming online. I'm building a few Iron Clads, instead. # # # 2021-06-26 046-06-10-T375 - Critical Support - Montezuma Revenge - AD-0250 Monty has capitulated. Well, I'm going to have to think about what to do next. If I attack, I do not see how Mansu can withstand the assault. Or... Mansu will not go down as easily as I might like. And besides, I'd rather play with him (or the game) somehow. But how? # # # 2021-06-27 046-06-10-T375 - Critical Support - Montezuma Revenge - AD-0250 If Mansu were to land with twenty units and attack my capital, I'd be sunk. So, I'm pulling all the troops back and regrouping. I can waste the five extra turns... or whatever. # # # 2021-08-27 400AD T390 Who knows what I am doing? I'm planning on sending a big stack over Ragnar's way. But I really don't know to what effect. I think I'll pound on his capitol. What do I want? If it's just a win, that's already implied... and likely was from the start. # # # 2021-08-28 046-06-11-T400 - Critical Support - Maybe Just End It - AD-0500 It's becoming increasingly pointless. I'm pulling my punches. The winning play is full on military and an invasion of Mali. Mansu cannot resist. And that would be that. # # # GAME OVER! 2021-08-31 500AD T400 And yet, I have the desire to start over... sort of. Here. I've been thinking about restarting for a few days. But I have real low motivation {regarding pretty much everything}. Like, just writing this down is about all I am going to manage prior to collapsing into a chair. Whatever. I think I will be trying again, trying to do a better job. But then, sometimes the old ways are the best ways. # # # # # # GAME-07 # # # # # # Yeah, that really is about all I can manage, right now. # # # GAME OVER! 2021-08-31 046-07-01-T93 - Critical Support - Code of Bureaucracy - BC-2605 I got Code of Bureaucracy down to T93. I believe if I attend, I can get that down to T90. My mind is shot. There is tons of smoke in the air. The main trick is to attend... and send that second worker over to Critical, bumping it up {in size} that much faster. From there, I'll trim down my Wonder Builds. But all that is for another day. It's hard to describe how gone my mind is. Oh, I can get things out. But it's butchered, short, and minimal. I'm running on fumes, the remembrance of what a mind actually is. # # # # # # GAME-08 # # # # # # 2021-08-31 046-08-01-T87 - Critical Support - Too Many Warriors - BC-2695 These are the type of restarts that often go unrecorded. Sending the second worker over is faster, but seems less organic. More importantly, I built too many warriors way too prematurely. If I go with less wonders, which is the tentative plan, I don't need to pre-stock the garrison units. So, I'm just wasting 1G/T in maintenance until they are needed. # # # # # # GAME-09 # # # # # # 2021-08-31 046-09-01-T90 - Critical Support - Code of Bureaucracy - BC-2650 This is the fastest time for Code of Bureaucracy. I don't have any Warriors in reserve. But then, that's part of the reason I got Code of Bureaucracy three turns faster. I'm thinking Critical is going to have to carry itself a bit more this game. But then, if Critical builds all the wonders (that are going to get built by me this game), then it only makes sense for Support to do a little more of the Heavy Unit Lifting. Researching: Animal Husbandry Bronze Working Iron Working Hanging Gardens is the next Wonder in line. Great Library and Parthenon may be the next after that. I'm thinking about skipping The Colossus and The Great Lighthouse. I'm going to make a play for Judaism. I'm sure I will reload if I don't found it. - - - Judaism! I need Polytheism for Literature. Otherwise, I might skip Monotheism. But since I will be halfway there soon enough, I'm going to go for it. Judaism! # # # 2021-08-31 046-09-02-T110 - Critical Support - Lord of Iron - BC-2400 I got Judaism. So, that's some tight fitting. {Tight Fitting: Playing with Map Knowledge.} Next up is The Aesthetic Literature Wonders, prior to getting Maces and building a defensive force against Monty's inevitable assault. No Peace! No Mercy! # # # 2021-09-01 046-09-03-T167 - Critical Support - Wonder Crazy - BC-1830 Well, I'm just falling into the old trap of Building All The Wonders. I have a fleet of eight triremes, which should knock out the odd galley or two. And if landfall should occur, I am sporting maces. The whole thing feels uninspired. I'm sending two triremes out to explore a little. Hopefully, I'll get a trade route or two out of it. Monty, Ragnar, and Bismark are all preparing for war. I assume Monty will be landing before long. I'm researching Alphabet, as it will give me a better idea of when I must research any given tech to stay ahead. I can then beeline... whatever it is that I intend to beeline, likely Guilds. # # # 2021-09-01 1780BC T172 I researched Alphabet, so I'd have a better understanding of my tech lead. And then, researched Archery as a back-fill tech, so as to make reading the chart that much easier. I'm just building. If no one attacks, the next fifty turns will go fast. # # # T178: I used a Great Scientist to Discover Philosophy and found Taoism. I may just use most of my Great People in such a manner. # # # 2021-09-01 1350BC T215 My warring with Monty did not go as well as last time, so I accepted peace for a few gold coins... and begged a few more off Shaka to prevent an attack. {I view it as a sort of glitch (or exploit) that upon seeing an invading armada, I can beg gold and (if given, a test which presumably does not take into account the imminence of war) the invader essentially gives me a few gold coins not to attack.} I even made peace with Mansu. So, it's going to be an uneventful few turns. Clearing The Religions is not the most efficient Research Order. I got way more traction researching Guilds and Banking first. With any luck, this will be a High Money Game. # # # T219: I bummed gold off a bunch of folks. Bismark refused 430G; so, I likely asked too much of him. {I have no conception of how much gold I can request. I've never gotten a 1,000+ Tech.} # # # 2021-09-01 046-09-04-T234 - Critical Support - End First Zulu War - BC-1160 Shaka attacked and was repulsed. I got a Great General and 230 Gold (from a Peace Treaty) for Shaka's efforts. But I do not wish the warring to continue. I have nothing else to do but Build Research or an Army in Critical. Well, I could build Missionaries. Maybe, I should give that some thought. But then, even if a make a few gold {from Missionaries}, it {the process} seems tedious. And then, so does a military campaign... if oddly, building an army does not. Still, I enjoyed my little skirmish with Shaka and am more than ready for a bit more. Oh, right. I am Gold Rich this game. So, I swept through and a good half dozen (or more) warriors became maces. Take that Shaka! - - - Army? Missionary? Got to increase that tech rate. - - - Time for Pacifism? How ironic? # # # 2021-09-02 910BC T259 I'm not doing much but hitting end turn. I am building up an army. But I do not know to what purpose. # # # 2021-09-02 046-09-05-T275 - Critical Support - Building an Army - BC-0750 I am building an army. I know not for what. It really is as simple as that. And because of this lack of vision, there is a certain... um, plodding nature to the game. Sure. I cheated, gave myself better land, and now out-gun my opponents. So? And? In another 25 Turns or so, I should have enough Cannons to launch an invasion. Who? Shaka is looking promising. But do I wish to own his lands? Maybe, I should raze Timbuktu? - - - I, probably, should take Ragnar out... or at least, capture the city or two that I desire. # # # 2021-09-02 046-09-06-T297 - Critical Support - Ragnar Capitulates - BC-0530 Taking over his capitol was enough to push Ragnar over the limit. So, he capitulated. It's really more of his land than I need. No Casualties! Shaka is the next obvious target. But he has no land I desire. Aztecia may be next. I'd rather have Techno than Zulu. # # # 2021-09-02 270BC T323 The war with Monty rages. He refuses to capitulate. Eh, I haven't really done that much. But he {i.e. his army} is gone. And it is just a matter of time. I did get sloppy and he knocked out a galleon carrying reinforcements. It's a slow methodological kill... as is my working my way through The Tech Tree. No Hurries. No Worries. # # # 2021-09-03 046-09-07-T339 - Critical Support - From Monty to Shaka - BC-0110 Washington requested I declare against Shaka right before Monty capitulated. I will keep (at least) three of Monty's core cities. Bismark may well research Scientific Method before I do. And that may make for a more interesting late game. Shaka is clearly (yes, quite clearly) next on the list. I will have to formulate a plan of attack. As I remember from last time, I didn't really care for any of his cities. I have both my Great Merchant and Great Engineer stowed away for founding both Sushi and Mining. What to do? Eh, let's look at Shaka. - - - I guess I'm just going to rip across Zulu Land, starting at Ulundi and moving on to uMg and Bulawayo. Though, I question how excited I am about any of those land holdings. # # # 2021-09-03 046-09-08-T363 - Critical Support - Shaka Capitulates - AD-0130 Shaka threw in Bulawayo (the last city I wanted) when he capitulated... same as last game. The next real goal is to found a few Corporations (Mining and Sid's) and see how that goes. I am at least 50-100 Turns ahead of where I was last game. Hmm... Why? Better focus. Really? Certainly, the early game was micro-managed a lot better. This is the game that contains my fastest time (on this map) to Code of Bureaucracy. The order of attack was cleaner. Ragnar capitulated lickity-split, while both Monty and Shaka were willing to throw in the towel {only} after a half dozen cities fell. So, luck on the draw of warring, if nothing else. - - - I can see why the War Mongers are such big fans of State Property: maintenance (the conquest killer) is neutralized, while workshops (the workhorse of a war economy) are maximized. - - - It is likely I will just hang out and mostly hit End Turn for the next few dozen turns, waiting for corporations and a decision on how to best face the future vis-a-vie computerized opponents who are only so good... and who have had the deck stacked against them. # # # 2021-09-04 320AD T382 I am just cruising through the turns. I tell myself I want to know what The End Game is like... or if that is unclear, The Late Game. Mansu would be a difficult invasion. But I have him on Destroyers versus Frigates. So, I can isolate him. Soon enough, I will be exploring The Corporate Situation. Sushi: +10 Food Mining: +22 Hammers - - - I've sent all of my workers west (Western Aztecia, Western Zulu Land) and am improving the captured land (switching cottages to workshops, mainly) in a methodical manner. I don't assign jobs to my workers (at this stage of the game) most important first, but easiest to track as I clear the board, first. So, eastern cities will be developed last and after all the used and unused western land is developed. Such is the lot of being a lazy human. I won't even use the word "should" in all that, as where's the glory in tedium. Destroyers are heading towards Mali and will circle the lands in a clockwise manner, so that all movement is easy to keep straight. # # # T392: Let's attack Mansu's outlier cities and gift them to Ragnar. # # # 2021-09-04 046-09-09-T398 - Critical Support - Mining Sushi - AD-0480 As the save name might suggest, I just founded both Sid's Sushi and Mining, Inc. I've never spread a corporation to another civilization. So, let's see how that goes. {I don't have much to say about spreading corporations. Money started to come in. But I did not play long enough for it to matter one way or another... and I was already cash rich in this game. So, basically, I still don't know how corporations effect the game long term.} In another fifteen turns, Support will have Wall Street, which will be nice, to say the least. Soon enough (say, in another fifty turns), I will be building Oxford University... somewhere. And that somewhere (for Oxford) shall be Iceland. It's got good potential... and already has an academy. Iceland: Oxford I'm spending more on Espionage than I usually do, dedicating as mainly specialists as I can in Critical, as it has Scotland Yard. I'm counting on Mansu not wanting to capitulate until after I take Timbuktu. It will make for a bit of a swerve if Mansu capitulates to Bismark in the interim. Washington is just happy to be alive. - - - My goal is not so much to win (as I already have and how could I not); but rather, to maintain interest for as long as possible. Full out war would win me the game. I would lose some troops to Mansu. But in full production mode (no more wonders or buildings, just units), the onslaught would be overwhelming. Besides, the computer run civs never have a second wave in them... not if the first wave is totally decimated. A hundred turns later? Probably. Ten to twenty? Not a chance. # # # 2021-09-05 046-09-10-T404 - Critical Support - Mansu Capitulates - AD-0520 I do not believe it would be that hard to invade Washington (or Bismark, for that matter), eat him whole, and call it a game. Though, that has been the case for some time. I am only just beginning to build Executives. It has not been that long. Just Critical and Support have either Corporation. Critical: +15F +23H -95 Gold Support: +15F +21H -99 Gold I get 32 Gold back in Support and will get 48 Gold back after Wall Street. As I said before, I've never tried to spread a corporation to any other civilization. So, that's coming down the line. - - - I don't have much of a game plan save spamming corporations. Let's see what the price of Seafood rises to. Maybe, we will have The Great Seafood War of T500. # # # 2021-09-05 645AD T427 Timbuktu: Troops Ten'notch: Oxford Timbuktu will get: West Point Red Cross This is the first time in a long time that I've had secondary cities fill out. I'm building Oxford in a Captured City. - - - I'll need to switch production in both Critical and Support after the roll. Currently, they are on standby building Research and/or Wealth. # # # 2021-09-07 046-09-11-T440 - Critical Support - Why Bother - AD-0700 My lead is substantial and is not going anywhere. I'm just hitting End Turn and losing interest. So, this may be it. Raw Score: 4487 Implied Score: 622482 It would be both my highest score and greatest cheat to date. Actually, I'm surprised how high the score is. I was expecting an Implied Score (if I win this turn) to be closer to 50,000. - - - Yep, I'm acting just like a person who is closing up shop: Moving my working file From the playing position Lower Right Center To the write-up position Upper Right Center of my desktop Made a Final Save Though, I did not use the word "Victory" in the Save Name Still, I think it is over. On the other hand: The Working Log File is still in place I have no Next Game in mind # # # 2021-09-15 (c) Copyright Brett Paufler