(c) Brett Paufler 2018-02-17 # # # Monarch Incan Four Continents Eight Players So, two per Continent, hopefully No Barbs Balanced Resources I rolled double gold and cow on the first try, so the map is similar to Watery Death. # # # I paired with Orange (he's on my continent); and as he does not appear to be kicking it, I'm feeling good. I'm researching iron to knock him out, then on to Metal Casting and Colossus I got both Stonehenge and Pyramids, so getting the Colossus seems eminently doable # # # I'm building more wonders, but after Aesthetics & Literature, I should go on the warpath. I'm wasting time. Some of these wonders are not worth the hammers. # # # The war with the Dutch is going well. I traded a Ten Turn Peace Treaty for two techs; and after conquering two cities, my forced needed to rest, anyhow. # # # The Second Dutch War gave me Amsterdam. I liberated two crap cities off east coast as a colony. And I should, probably, do the same off of west coast. I'm trying to remember not to research the same stuff as Netherlands, as I will get whatever they have eventually. Mr Oranje is either going down all the way or becoming my vassal. Caravels are off and running. Maybe not an easy win; but it sure looks good. # # # I lost my garrison in Amsterdam to knights, after a cheesy reload. At least, Egypt did not jump on the bandwagon the second time through. Thoughts: 1) I think I should have fought sooner and more continually. 2) And founded Colonies to East and West much sooner, as this denies my enemies. One can only have two National Wonders per city... but which two. I continue to like the Wonder Spam. But I need to get a second city online much sooner. So, a Creative (border pop) Wonder Builder next, I think that's De'Gaul. # # # (c) Brett Paufler 2018-02-17