Snake River iPhone Notes {The following being the raw notes I made to myself, when designing this map. The two line drawing images also came off of my iPhone.} Trick it out {ideas on how to make it better; or at this point, ideas for future maps}: 1: Shangri La, an isolated city in the mountains (in-accessible). So, one would need paratroopers to capture. 2: Lakes, inaccessible plots in the mountains to make it look better 3: Don't use every resource (like Dye or Marble) Strategies: 1: Whip Mechanics. Food not lost. 30 hammer base per whip (20 if no production in item, Wonders are 15... or 10 if no hammers). No more than half population can be whipped. This will be part of the game write up. 2: Found multiple cities on the periphery of the food to share that food... in the beginning, at least. Brings to mind a Desert Map, low resource, multiple one population, desert cities, being key to winning. 3: Disband scouts to save on upkeep... or should not care if destroyed... perhaps should contact all four, first, for technological research boost. Players: 1: Orange, Netherlands, sushi water buffalo, islands 2: Vikings, tundra water north, iron, archipelago 3: Incan, high mountains, rich in gems, jungle 4: Spanish Isabella, horse plains, middle, kingpin 5: India, Elephants, bottom marsh {The First Image went here, explaination of sorts, below} Img 1: layout, black Viking, red Isabella, blue Incan, yellow India, orange Dutch, green equalizing swampy jungle, black bold solid mountains, blue separating water Resources to be concentrated and limited to five each (4-7). Actually, having some very limited might be interesting. {So, I was thinking about having only one of each of these for awhile.} 1 iron 1 copper 1 horse 1 elephant 1 oil if can last long enough??? A thick Northern Forest covering Viking, Incan, and Isabella's territory. {And a solid Southern Jungle, covering a quarter of the map, slowing the growth towards the middle.} This is the Standard Map Size 80x50=4000 tiles Split into 4 wide x 3 tall conceptual blocks 11 is bottom left 43 is upper right 31 total resources split among 12 squares. I didn't use much of the above, at all. {I spent some degree of thought trying to decide, who got what resources (per below). But I didn't use this go-by. I just went down the list in the World Building, doing what seemed sort of fair.} Luxury Resources: Dyes MakeUp Furs Viking Gems Incan Gold Incan Incense Indian Ivory Indian/Spain Silver Spain Spices Indian Sugar Indian Wine MakeUp Whales Dutch Food Resources: Bananas Indian/Incan Clam Dutch Corn Incan Cows Dutch Crab Dutch/Viking Deer Viking Fish Dutch Pigs Viking/Isabella Rice Indian Sheep Viking/Isabella Wheat Viking/Isabella Strategic Aluminum in the Southern Jungle Coal Northern Jungle Copper Jungle Horses Isabella Iron All or Northern Marble All Oil Southern Jungle Stone All Uranium Northern Be sure to give each civilization resources it needs for its custom unit. I will have to think hard about limiting resources. {The Second Image went here, an explanation of sorts, below.} Img 2: Vikings ponds up north, Incan river leads to spring pond waterfall through mountains, so iron over here, perhaps both sides, desert on Dutch shore can kill land as well as water Debriefing Notes: 1: Having my Capitol start with a religion didn't take, as whoever researched meditation first still founded a religion. 2: How much did I swerve from goal... and should I add Shangri La? 3: Adding Barbarian Animals was a nice touch. 4: I found the images to be helpful. I also stared at tiles in the shower to organize 'native territory', my perceived split of the board. {And that is that.} 2018-05-16 (c) Copyright Brett Paufler