Paleo Pork Chili

So, um, I cooked a 20lb Pork Shoulder. And believe it or not, there are leftovers.

Pork Shoulder
I used 2-3 pounds of Pork Shoulder, previously cooked, sliced thin, and marinated (for a very short while) in about a Cup of Pickle Juice and the dregs from a jar of Hot Mustard and Horseradish Sauce rinsed out with Apple Cider Vinegar and Water, spiced with a small bit of Salt, Red & Black Pepper, and a whole lot of Cumin (so, something like a Tablespoon or so of the later) and a dash of Nutmeg.

Goose Fat Fried Garlic & Onions
To five Tablespoons of Goose Fat I added a chopped Onion and an entire Bulb (i.e. an entire Head) of Pressed Garlic intending to Brown the lot. But as the Garlic was in much smaller pieces, it browned first... well before the Onion. And I cut the operation short so as to avoid burning the Garlic. So, word to the wise, one (meaning I) might want to fry my Onions up first; and then, add any Garlic only when the Onions are cooked (almost completely) to where I want them.

Rounding It Out
And since it's really not Chili without Tomatoes and Beans, I added a single Can each of Tomatoes and Black Beans with a final squeeze from a Tube of Tomato paste thrown in for good measure.

The Final Countdown
After pre-warming the glop on the stove top (bringing the lot to a light boil), I am going to cook it at 425° for 45 minutes to get the top crust a bit brown... or so is the plan.

The Debriefing
Of course, it did not get as brown as desired. But I re-baked the leftovers after adding a generous layer of cheddar cheese and that worked out pretty well.

Oh, and most definitely this was dish meant to be accompanied by Sour Cream... lots of Sour Cream... lots.

And finally, at some point, I should mention that each can (of Tomatoes and Beans) was rinsed out with a bit of water (the resultant glop being added to the casserole, which is what this dish turned out to be). And the Chili tasted better after repeated baking... as the water evaporated out and a crust formed. So, I'm thinking less water, next time.

January, 2021

Brett Food

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