''' Created on Jul 10, 2014 @author: Brett Paufler Copyright Brett Paufler ''' #gameNumber 1109 analysis #Ticket Price: $1 | Overall odds: 1 in 4.73 | Cash odds: 1 in 8.99 | Game Number: 1109 ''' Odds and Available Prizes Prizes Odds 1 in Total # of Winners Prizes Claimed Prizes Available $888 480,000 98 81 17 $100 9,600 4,900 4,409 491 $40 1,395 33,712 30,158 3,554 $20 417 112,896 100,907 11,989 $10 96 489,216 434,405 54,811 $8 78 602,112 533,498 68,614 $4 42 1,128,960 989,235 139,725 $2 16 2,860,032 2,470,629 389,403 Ticket 10 4,704,000 4,003,666 700,334 ''' odds = [480000, 9600, 1395, 417, 96, 78, 42, 16, 10] number = [98, 4900, 33712, 112896, 489216, 602112, 1128960, 2860032, 4704000] #gS = implied gameSize rC = 0.00 for i in range(len(odds)): iGS = odds[i] * number[i] #impliedGameSize cT = 1.00 / odds[i] #chanceThis rC += cT #rollingChance print "ODDS: %d \t N: %d \t gS: %d chance: %.15f \t rolling %.15f" %(odds[i], number[i], iGS, cT, rC) print "\nCumulative Chance %.15f = finalOdds 1 in %f\n\n" % (rC, 1.00 / rC) #assumedGameSize aGS = 47040000.00 #totalNumberAvailable rC = 0.0 for n in number: #print n c = n / aGS #print c rC += c #print thisOne print "\t\t\t\t\t chance %.15f \t rolling %.15f" % (c, rC) print "\nCumulative Chance %.15f = Cumulative Odds 1 in %f\n\n" % (rC, 1.00/rC) #print 0.1 / 0.9