abort_05_clean_up 2022-04-18 (c) Copyright Brett Paufler # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # I am in the midst of cleaning up _ALPHA_CHANNEL_; or more accurately, ./alpha. PS C:\alpha> dir PS C:\alpha> dir name PS C:\alpha> dir -name PS C:\alpha> dir -name >> test.txt Saved me a fair bit of work by outputting the directory's contents into a text file. Thusly: brett_code darktable ffmpeg ghostscript gimp gmic graphicsmagick input openshot output pandoc rawtherapee shotcut visual_studio test.txt Windows PowerShell (x86).lnk Windows PowerShell ISE (x86).lnk And now, I can go through those items one-by-one, deleting as appropriate; which seeing as how I just used the last item on the list (Windows PowerShell ISE (x86).lnk) to do some work, I should probably be a bit cautious, doing the deed in multiple passes on multiple occasions. Thus, in this pass, I will only be killing the obvious deadwood: those programs which were never actually used for anything in the first place. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # brett_code A simple directory, now empty; so it's pretty easy to delete... and add again later should I change my mind. darktable The included Uninstall.exe seems to have worked just fine. I think I installed this and tried to use on a movie or two. But the nature of my life changed (depression, worsening eyesight to the point I don't feel like editing pictures); and I could no longer be bothered. ffmpeg I will be leaving this installed... perhaps, forever. ghostscript I may have used once. But I am not ready to uninstall. gimp I'm totally keeping gimp for the time being. gmic Hmmm. Maybe this idea was ill-conceived. G'MIC is the backbone of The Alpha Channel Project. And although I have not run a script in over a year, that could conceivably change... well, conceivably it could. graphicsmagick Staying. Long ago ImageMagick was one fo the first Command Line Image Processing Utilities that I used. Also, I'd be willing to believe (but not bet) that some other program lists GraphicsMagick as a dependency. input Where I put incoming photos or other files. And if everything else is staying, so shall this. openshot Some video editing software, which I shall now delete. The packaged uninstaller (unins000.exe if I remember correctly) left a peck of files and folders. Good thing I am double checking things as I go. output Where there is an ./input, there is usually an ./output. pandoc Oh, right. This one is for handling .doc and .pdf files. I don't think I have ever used it successfully. But I am not quite ready to delete it. rawtherapee As I recall, this competes with gimp. And having never mastered the latter, I can see no reason to keep the former as a back-up. Deleted with unins000.exe, which worked just fine and didn't even need Administrative Privileges. So, kudos on that. shotcut This is a competitor to openshot; hence, the name. As is ideal, the program is not on the path; and as such, I don't even need an uninstaller. I just deleted the file mass. visual_studio Eh, I'm going to live dangerously and delete this file mass (i.e. Directory Tree, as it is more typically called), as well. And after confirming gimp and PowerShell still function, I really am deleting it and emptying the Recycle Bin. test.txt This file, after being renamed as abort_05_clean_up.txt. Windows PowerShell (x86).lnk The Base Version. Windows PowerShell ISE (x86).lnk The IDE Version, wherein it is easy to run from script. Also, it includes a bit of a debugger, if I remember correctly... but just a bit. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # It wasn't as many programs as I expected. But then, things could have gone differently if I had not started by running that PowerShell Code Snippet. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Leaving me with: ffmpeg ghostscript gimp gmic graphicsmagick input output pandoc test.txt Windows PowerShell (x86).lnk Windows PowerShell ISE (x86).lnk # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 2022-04-19 And now, I shall move on to delete Civilization IV from my computer, sight unseen. #EOF