Photo Fiction with a Science Fiction Twist

They say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Blue Shift Science Fiction Effect for Tales of the Nav Series - Self Portrait

Well, if that's true, then I shouldn't have to write as much...

Stories listed in reverse order,
from newest to oldest.

Taking It Out

Making a Run for the Border

Mono Chromatic
Sign of the Times

Coping with Shore Leave
(and a busted modulator array)

An Alignment
(psychic readjustments while you wait)

The Art of the Science
(or how I stopped worrying whether It was Art or Not and came to love the Science of it all)

Heart of a Cycle
(live to ride, ride to live)

Cemetery Dance
(for neither love nor money)

A Boy and His Droid
(the best friend I never had)

The .tar
(origination story)

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© Copyright 2014 Brett Paufler